
The Link Newsletter

This is the place to find out what is happening in our Church.

The notices are published weekly and are given out as we are welcomed into the Church on Sunday morning.  Keeping us in touch with Services and social events the notices are a ‘must read,’ along with the Link.

The Link is published 10 times a year – monthly except for July/August and December / January.  In the Link you will find details of Services for the forthcoming month, a Social calendar, reports on Services and other events, Photographs etc.,  Everyone is welcome to submit material for inclusion but the final publishing decision rests with the Editor. Our ‘linkmen’ deliver the Links to local addresses, and it is also posted to those who unfortunately for them live too far away to receive a personal delivery.  We ask for a £2 annual donation to those who get a paper copy.

For items to be considered for inclusion in either publications please contact:

Notices:  Mairi MacKay  email: or phone 01484 852300

Link:  Jennifer Hirst  email: or phone 01484 654288
